"); Also, to see if there are any Bonos that are related to me today. My great grandparents were born in Avellino province. He married Amelia Di Biasi, who is thought to have been from around Naples. He married Assunta (Susan) Columbo (thats how Ive been told its spelled, could be Colombo?). It has to be the same woman. Grazie Mille!! I have come to a dead end while searching for my great-grandparents, Giovanni Raffaele Lombardi (18 Oct 1870 in Montemarano) and Giuseppina Festa (1873), both of Avellino. We have been gathering information about the hertitage of our family thus far we have traced back to my mothers grandfather Generoso Feola born 1836 married in the Santa Paoloino parish in 1863 to Brigitta Carpenito born 1837. Identifying your sources helps others find the records you used. This page was last edited on 24 April 2023, at 15:25. img#wpstats{display:none} Stephano and his new wife, Rachel, moved to Biano, Italy in 1912. I would pay any expenses you may have on research. Thank you for your assistance. He came to the United States, settled in Lawrence, Massachusetts and was in World War I. His name was Nicola Simonelli born April 28, 1878 in Avellino. Searching for any relatives in Avellino or surrounding regions with the surname ANDRUSCO. Try searching surrounding areas. Nicolas loffredo my grandfather from avellino italy I am looking into the LaPietra family from San Martino Valle Caudino. Using this, I was able to eventually find 4th cousins in Italy. For instance, use the age listed in the record to estimate a year of birth, if that is yet undetermined, Make sure to fully transcribe and cite the record entry for future reference, Compile the entries for every person who has the same surname; this is especially helpful in rural areas or if the surname is unusual. dAvellino, Italy around 1882-1883 (I get mixed dates). She often spoke of a niece who was a teacher. If you know your ancestors were from one of these towns, let us know by filling the contact form below. oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['theme'] = 'default'; Came in through Manhattan, My Grandmother was born in Avellino on July 26, 1880. My great grandfather had two brothers Sabastiano and Barthalamule (we do not think they ever went onto America. Her mother died in Avellino in about 1910 or 1911. I am looking for information on the loffredo family. I am looking for Filomina Barone who was born in approximately 1872. I was interested to know if anyone remembers Dapolito from Avellino? var oneSignal_elements = document.getElementsByClassName("OneSignal-prompt"); This was done by submitting the link to Genealogy Translations. In case you want to visit churches, these are the addresses of parishes active today in Avellino: S. MARIA ASSUNTA IN CIELO 83100 VALLE PONTICELLI AV, S. MARIA ASSUNTA PRESSO CATTEDRALE P.zza Duomo, S. ALFONSO MARIA DEI LIGUORI P.zza Luigi Sturzo, 10, CUORE IMMACOLATO DELLA BEATA VERGINE MARIA Via degli Imbimbo, 49, S. MARIA DI COSTANTINOPOLI Via Giancola, 83, SS. There are just a few of the Giarnese names in Ariano. These records are written in Italian. My name is Sarafina Elia and I am looking to locate a birth certificate of my great-grandmother, Antonietta Russo (certificates have various spellings of her name, like Antonetta or Antionetta). The banns of this pledge were posted on Sunday April 8th at the door of this municipal house and at the door of the municipal house of San Lorenzo. If you can suggest any research tools I would be very grateful. Are you doing a genealogy research about the province of Avellino? I am trying to find death records on my great grandfather- Antonio De Venezia, spouse Filomena LaSalle. Il suo trisavolo era Dominick Cioffi B ca. Food and Wine It was told to us she was born in Avellino, Any information to help us find her family would be greatly appreciated. __ATA.criteo.cmd = __ATA.criteo.cmd || []; He married Serafina Pirone and came to America on the Prince Alberta arriving on August 10, 1904. Hi Im looking for any information that could help me find Franco Geremia Serino full name could possibly be Frasncesco. My grandparents emigrated to Ogden, Utah in the early 1900s. } She had a daughter, Teodolinda Giordano, who emigrated to the United States, and had other children as well whose names I do not know. Her father was Francesco Iannicelli. Indexes could be by page number, or by the number of the individual entry. Image Visibility edit source Both of their names were Salvatore Coppola. Looking for information about my grandfathers family his name was Vincenzo Santulli. They may be cousins instead of brothers as we believe, my grandfather was taken in and possibly adopted by this family. They were married in the Vicaria district of Naples. I Found the Person I Was Looking For, What Now? I am not sure where I should begin looking for a birth certificate, since Squilani seems to be a very small village that is not easily accessible without a car. They moved to the U.S. in 1909 and settled in New Jersey. oneSignal_options['wordpress'] = true; Surnames in the Province of Avellino, Campania, Italy The lists of surnames have been derived from the white pages of the 1990's for the recent lists, and from sources as indexes of births, "numerazioni" and catasti for previous centuries. So let's look at Francesco, He was 42 when he got married ( his second marriage ) his father was Giacomo, mother was Beatrice. I know she had left a sister in Cuisano but I dont have her married name and she had a son who was also in law enforcement. Also, I am looking for my Fathers side which is from Misterbianco, Sicily. else { Italy Heritage Genealogy Records Campania This section includes some collection of indexes and records for places in the provinces of the Campania region. I found several links on the Family Search Wiki to assist with translations of Italian Records found on the Antenati. Under Italian law, records of births, marriages, and deaths are maintained by the Registrar of Vital Statistics ( Ufficio dello Stato Civile) in the city ( comune or municipio) where the event occurred. Cuccinello. This is what you see once you open the record. He was born March17, 1885 or 1886. She immigrated to US in 1901. html:not( .jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled ):not( .js ) .jetpack-lazy-image { So in case you would like to go back in centuries, its good for you to know that the parish registers in Avellino started during 1500! oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['showCredit'] = true; function documentInitOneSignal() { Only images are available. Hi there, I am looking for members of the Vietri family from Avellino. She married my great grandfather, Stephano Guerriero in early 1900 and came through Ellis Island and settled in New Jersey. See my other comment. Any information would be appreciated. Where can I write to see if there is proof of her birth there? His parents were Vincenzo Balestrieri and Concetta Russouiello Im looking for the family of my great grandfather Mario Sanseverino. Her name was Giuseppina Maffeo. Required fields are marked *. Lucia Coppola Panico DiVincenzo and Pietro DiVincenzo. She has three daughters. Appreciate it . OneSignal.SERVICE_WORKER_UPDATER_PATH = "OneSignalSDKUpdaterWorker.js.php"; He did return to S. Stafano (not sure when) but did board the Hamburg with 2 women on March 30th 1013. Consider phonetic equivalents that may be used interchangeably, such as "F" and "V"; "C", "K", and "G". Please be aware some collections consist only of partial information indexed from the records and do not contain any images. oneSignal_options['promptOptions']['siteName'] = "Italian Genealogy"; Mia moglie ed io stiamo programmando di visitare Avellino e stiamo cercando informazioni su dove trovare risorse locali che possano aiutarci a trovare maggiori informazioni sui suoi antenati. Had 6 children Died April 23, 1928. My grandmother came to the United States in 1901. I am loo Cking for my paternal grandfathers family or any relatives alive today. Nicolas is my fathers dad and Vincent Mecca is my mothers dad. Suo figlio Gennaro Cioffi B. var __ATA_PP = { pt: 1, ht: 2, tn: 'oceanwp', uloggedin: 0, amp: false, siteid: 154534754, consent: 0, ad: { label: { text: 'Advertisements' }, reportAd: { text: 'Report this ad' } } }; Im trying to find out about Menica, as my mother is named after her and never knew about her until recently. } If you search by registry you now have drop down options. That is where he learned how to be a tailor. His brothers were Carlo Carpenito, Emilio Carpenito. Ive gathered that he was born in Avellino, Italy in 1884 or 1885. She came to the US when she was 13 in the early 1900s. He arrived in America / New York in 1900. Any information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. My great-grandfather was named Attilio Petroccione. joanne Van Dyke 9/13/10. Marianna my aunt on my mothers side did an ancestry dna and her daughter was notified that you were perhaps a relative of ours. Looking for information about my grandfathers family his name Alfredo L. Capobianco born 1880. You will find religious records of the same events (births, marriages and deaths) but, most important, you could go further back in time! TRINITA DEI POVERI Via Morelli e Silvati, S. MARIA DELLE GRAZIE Via Tuoro Cappuccini. My grandmother was Concetta Basso,born in 1893. OneSignal.push( function() { My great grandmother was Filomena Meriano. Our Blog. His fathers name was Joseph Petroccione and he was born in Fontanarosa around 1850. Albanese, Bruno, Capobianco, Capone, Carbone, Cardinale, Caruso, Cioffi, Cipriano, Colucci, Coppola, Cucciniello, De Feo, De Luca, De Maio, De Simone, De Stefano, De Vito, Di Pietro, Esposito, Famiglietti, Ferraro, Festa, Fiore, Forgione, Gallo, Grasso, Graziano, Guarino, Guerriero, Iannaccone, Iuliano, Lepore, Lo Conte, Lombardi, Luongo, Matarazzo, Napolitano, Nigro, Petrillo, Picariello, Romano, Ruggiero, Russo, Santoro, Sarno, Spagnuolo, Vitale. For church records that were destroyed, floods and wars were the leading causes of destruction. Im rather frustrated with Antenati, as Ive been waiting for 2 years for them to scan and upload records from Ercolano and Torre del Greco. Also if you have a date of death for Stephen and Rachela. Mother lived to over 100 years. was surprised that I found you here on this sight I am trying to do the same thing. other names include Ipolito Bruno. Assunta and Salvatore lived at Via C. Colombo #58, Avellino, Italy. Thank you! This page has been viewed 13,732 times (1,101 via redirect). We will be in Avellino next week and would love some help or direction on where to search! From letters to request church records in Italian. province? He immigrated to New Jersey on 1914, then moved to Lawrence Massachusetts. You can do a search at the commune in town. Antonio Coppola had a brother Lucadamo. Their father was a warden at a prison. I am planning a trip to Italy with my family in May 2020 and was hoping to find out any information regarding my grandparents who came to the United States at the age of 18. I understand the fathers name was Devincenza (D;Vincenza Divencenza. My grandfather returned to Italy in the 1920s and never returned I was told he died of consumption. oneSignal_options['notifyButton']['text'] = {}; From avellino. This page was last edited on 8 March 2023, at 11:20. His fathers name was Giuseppe an I think his mothers name was Concelia or Celia. She was born September 7, 1922, in Avellino, Italy. Birth 1800 ?And married to Lucia Sollazzo great great great grandmother. Click here to join our Facebook group The Ligurians inhabited north-western Italy in the regions of current day Liguria and parts of Piedmont. So Maria Pierro as no birth records, no marriage records that I can find. My grandfather was from Avellino born in 1908. Search instead for a different individual, such as your ancestor's siblings, parents, etc. I spent time with 2 foster mothers, a Franciscan nun orphanage in Rome (I dont know the name), and was eventually adopted by American parents in 1964. I do know the last name that I was given at birth. Saverios record is his birth, Francescos is his marriage. I am looking for the Bono family which was my grandmothers maiden name, to see how far back. He was married to a woman named Maria and his job was a watchmaker. I am traveling with my granddaughter and we are very excited about this trip. Otherwise, if you think to contact the town hall by yourself, we suggest you to read our tips for your search. I have found some information that may pertain to them: his fathers name may have been Cosmo Troisi and his mother Lucida Pertitti. They Married on July 16th 1893. His father was Francesco Modugno and mothe Rosalina Casa. From what I can discover, my grandmother Anna Festa(18921964) was born in or near Avellino, Italy. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); OneSignal.init(window._oneSignalInitOptions); Thanks for any help! I know the name of my grandfathers second wife but not the mother of my grandmother. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Avellino archives, expecially if you have not exact dates. After civil registration, church records continued but contained less information. I am looking for information on my Grandmother. Elizabeth, my family is from voltutara. w&&w.serverDomain&&(x=w.serverDomain);var y="//"+x+"/conf",z=window.top===window,A=window.__ATA_PP&&window.__ATA_PP.gdpr_applies,B="boolean"===typeof A?Number(A):null,C=window.__ATA_PP||null,D=z?document.referrer?document.referrer:null:null,E=z?window.location.href:document.referrer?document.referrer:null,F,G=n("__ATA_tuuid");F=G?G:null;var H=window.innerWidth+"x"+window.innerHeight,I=n("usprivacy"),J=r({gdpr:B,pp:C,rid:u,src:D,ref:E,tuuid:F,vp:H,us_privacy:I?I:null},"",". My husbands great-grandfather (LORENZO TIRELLA) board the Konigin Luise on April 17th, 1908 from Naples and travelled to NY, however, we believe the spelling of his last name was documented incorrectly in NY and may have been Tirelli? (function(){var g=Date.now||function(){return+new Date};function h(a,b){a:{for(var c=a.length,d="string"==typeof a?a.split(""):a,e=0;e
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